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πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Last Bloomers needed to trigger the next Burn Event! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Onboarding all the happiness on Base

Flourish onchain before summer, Base is about to $Bloom!

CA: 0xAfB5d4d474693e68Df500c9c682E6A2841f9661A

Happy Bloomer

Sup Fam!
What a time to Bloom, right? Layer 2’s are scaling Ethereum, smart wallets are onboarding to Base, normies and normilios flooding the gates! Onchain summer is around the corner! When to bloom, if not this May? Our spring is coming!

Base has never been happier, and we are the happiest on Base! We are the ones who remained, and we are the ones who will. With us, every way is an uphill! Spirits up, Bloomers never fail! So let’s $bloom together to our first mill, bill, and then trill! And never forget, the road is the main thrill :)



Total supply

1 BillionTotal Supply

%80 LP (locked)
%20 conditional vesting (see "Road to Bloom" below)

Zero tax

$Bloom is as Blue as our Base!

Zero tax, ownership renounced, no other BS.

No owner

Bloom to Burn

More holders = more $Bloom burnt.
Join us on the road to bloom.

Road to Bloom

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Currently, there are Bloomers. Last Bloomers required to Bloom! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Month 1

1 month

>1,000 holders with at least +10k $Bloom, Burn 10% Cap*
Otherwise, spend 10% for marketing

Month 2

2 months

>3,000 holders with at least 3k $Bloom, Burn %5 Cap*
Otherwise, spend 5% for marketing.

Month 3

3 months

>10,000 holders with at least $1k Bloom, Burn %5 Cap*
Otherwise, spend %2.5 cap for marketing.
Burn %2.5 cap anyways to celebrate #OnChainSummer!

*Burn happens as soon as conditions are met; otherwise, unvesting occurs at the time of deadline.

More to come!

A blooming community is essential for Bloomers. Meme contests, Nft releases, DAOs, and others will bloom as we $Bloom!

How to buy

$Bloom now on Uniswap!

To buy $BLOOM tokens on Uniswap, head to in your browser and connect your wallet by clicking "Connect Wallet." Input the $BLOOM contract address () in the token search field and import $BLOOM.